When you think that your kids should have their own bedroom, you must consider designing it with fun elements. Creating a lively and exciting kid’s bedroom is not easy. Kids have their own power of imagination and creativity. You need to match that level to get something good for them. Hence, you should take the help of the experts of interior designer in Kolkata for the best tips.

When you start exploring kids’ bedroom ideas on the internet, you can find plenty of options. Some look amazing and some are a bit complex. You should focus on the lifestyle, personality and age of your children while designing the bedroom for them.

Here are a few tips for you so that you can have a lively and exciting bedroom for your little ones.

  • Use Bright Colours

Kids love colours. Though some kids can be exceptional and you should respect their individual choice of colours, in most of the cases, they love to have a lot of colours and shades in their rooms. From the windows to the carpets; you can use plenty of colours to keep the vibrant mood of the room intact.

  • Use the Toys for Decoration

Whether it is a large teddy bear or small indoor slide – you should use the toys of your kids as a decorative item in the room to save storage space. Keep the small toys inside the shelves but use the big ones for the decoration of the room. Hang the large soft toys on the walls or put the big guitar at the corner of the bed.

  • Use Fabrics to Set the Mood

If your child is fond of fairy princes or superheroes, then use fabrics to create those images on the walls of their bedrooms. You can create the images of animals, landscape or any of their favourite cartoon characters too. You should pick the colours of those fabrics while buying the cushion covers and carpets for that room. This will create a great colour combination for the entire room.

  • Do Not Forget the Ceiling

For you, it may be nothing but an empty ceiling, but for your little ones, it can be the open sky or a midnight jungle. Yes, we are talking about the ceiling decoration of the kid’s room. Glow and dark items are widely used to decorate the ceiling of kid’s rooms to create different patterns and sceneries which attract the children very much.

At Marvel Interiors, we put extra effort to decorate the kid’s rooms perfectly. We have vast experience in this matter. Please get in touch with us for more details.Â